Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Marlon Pastora

Marlon Pastora is a beautiful baby boy who desperately needs your help. A few months ago, doctors diagnosed him with Bilary Atresia. This serious disease does not allow the body to remove bile, a substance that acts like poison if not released by the body. Marlon’s tummy is swollen and his body is quickly shutting down. Now, doctors have made a devastating prognosis: Marlon’s condition will continue to worsen and he will eventually die if he does not receive a liver transplant within the next weeks.

The Pastora family is desperate as they are unable to pay for the only medical option that will save their baby’s life. They are reaching out to the community in order to help raise the funds to pay for the transplant. Time is running out for Marlon. Please open your heart and help save this baby’s life.

Online donations; http://www.internationalkidsfund.org/ikf_kids/details.cfm?KD_ID=195, contact his parents at; cell;(305) 733-7263 y hospital direct (305) 355-4533 hospital general number (305) 585-kids room 5109. E-mail; Marlon Pastora (father) mpastora73@hotmail.com

DONA AHORA!!!!!, que Marlon te agradecerá por devolverle la VIDA, haz clic aquí http://www.internationalkidsfund.org/ikf_kids/details.cfm?KD_ID=195 Esta organizacion es 501(c) (3) deducible de impuestos.

Dios esta escuchando la suplica de los padres y ustedes están respondiendo!!!! Recuerden que para que le hagan el trasplante de hígado en el Holtz Children Hospital de Miami, se necesitan $378,000. Si no haz donado hazlo ahora, puedes hacer tus donaciones con tarjeta de crédito a la página de http://www.internationalkidsfund.org/ikf_kids/details.cfm?KD_ID=195, cualquier cantidad es bendecida y agradecida por los padres de Marlon Pastora Paiz. El tiempo es corto! actuemos ahora.... Contacte a sus padres para mas información, cell;(305) 733-7263 y hospital directo (305) 355-4533 hospital indirecto (305) 585-kids room 5109. E-mail; Marlon Pastora mpastora73@hotmail.com